Monday, May 10, 2010


As usual, our family celebrated our daughter's birthday with not one, but THREE cakes this year. I always like trying new ways to decorate the baked confections. This year, I thought about rolling out Starburst candies and cutting them into fun shapes to decorate her cake. But as I always seem to be running behind on time, I quickly realized that a simpler approach was needed. Somewhere I had seen a cupcake cookbook that used lollipops to adorn children's cupcakes. So I decided that this was the way to go. I got a lot of approval from the crowd. Truth be told, the suckers were store bought (thank you, Michael's!) But next time, I vow to make my own.

These were Cherry Chip Cupcakes with Cherry Buttercream. Lots of buzzin' was goin' on after these bad boys disappeared!

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